Today, the APSA effectively carries out its role generally as lobby, negotiator and advisor to its membership and the shipping fraternity at large towards the development of shipping expertise.


To protect and promote shipping and the related trade and industry in Karachi and elsewhere in Pakistan; and to do all that is necessary for the development of the business of the association.

To discuss and deal with all questions that seems to be connected with or to have a bearing on Ports (including dry ports) and Shipping related trade and industry

To collect and circulate statistics and other information relating to ports (including dry ports) and shipping and the related trade and industry.

To promote right understanding and unanimity businessmen and functionaries connected with ports and shipping in Pakistan on subject involving their common good and to safeguard the general mercantile interests in the country.

To endeavor to settle trade disputes by arbitration, conciliation or otherwise and to assist in information development and maintenance of boards of conciliation and arbitration.

To protect and promote rights and privileges of Shipping trade and industry in Pakistan and to represent to Government and public bodies their grievances for obtaining their redress and to join any mercantile or public body for the purpose.

To advance and promote professional, commercial and technical education and to canvass for support found and run establishment and institutions for such purpose.

To discuss promote or oppose legislative and other measures that seem to be connected with or to have a bearing on ports and shipping and related trade and industry and to consider, originate and support improvements in the relevant laws.

To arrange Conference and Seminars to further the knowledge of people associated with ports and shipping trade.

To do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of all or any of the above object.

To objects set forth in any sub-clause of this clause shall not, except when the context expressly so requires, be in any way limited or restricted by reference to or inference from the terms of any other sub-clause or by the name of the Association.

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